Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Reflections on Purchase"

I was so excited today. There was a knock on the door, followed by the low rumble of the UPS truck pulling away from my house. "Ohhhh goodie", I exclaimed as I bounced down the stairs to retrieve my just delivered bounty.

I have gotten accustomed to placing internet orders for the cherished treasures that I covet. It used to be; I would jump into my car, and with tunes blaring, happily drive an hour or so for the instant gratification of the quick purchase. But now, I am finding a childlike, Christmas time anticipation in placing an order on line. Why take the time to drive to the mall, save money on the gas. Besides, I just don't feel that enthusiastic about going to all that trouble and time and energy..........and........Oh my God..........I am TOO TIRED to go shopping! What am I saying.........what does this mean...........When did this sentinel event in my life happen, to make me loose the excitement of going......TO THE MALL. I would rather sit in my place, with only a credit card and a mouse to keep me company, nary a word is spoken, I am alone and isolated, just me and my 'puter............how pathetic!!! How...........old.

I digress (……..seriously though…….. how pathetic). Anyway.............as I stood in my kitchen, unwrapping my wares, I got to thinking about how my taste in what I considered treasures has changed. In the 70’s, earrings that had feathers, and denim jeans, (the wider the leg of my pants the better), were THE items to have. In the 80’s, I was a young stay at home mother, so my guilty purchase was anything meager and motherly. The 90’s brought with it my single again life, so I was drawn toward dressing as a sexy, yet conservative, mature single mother. I have gone from bell bottoms to stretch denim, from cotton to leather (and back...thank the heavens for THAT one......not pretty), from tight fitting to diaphanous. It’s amusing to realize how you decorate your body correlates with what is resonating in your soul.

The treasures I have laid out in front of me on my kitchen table, you ask? Yes, I will share..........a pair of pants that have a wonderful Indian design to them, with draw string closure, wood beads adorning the ends, a new reusable shopping bag made of colorful recycled material, with the words "I am Powerful" embroidered on one side, and an assortment of teas and accessories to help me enjoy my tea with the full experience. I enjoy drinking loose leaf teas, the aroma is wonderful and calming, tea buds are a visual delight as well as a taste surprise. I was pleased with my purchases. I like to keep them in their boxes and pretty packages for a few days. I enjoy opening the packages again and again to savor the joy. There is even a bit of sadness when I incorporate my new purchases into my life.

It’s an interesting perspective to look back on what was once important enough to spend my money on, compared to what I consider treasure now. It seems like the older I get, the more intrinsic my shopping has become. Not caring so much about what is decorating the outside, but more, what is yearning on the inside. Take the tea for example; I never thought much about it. Considering I am Canadian, and tea was a staple in our home, it is something that I usually took for granted. The big decision was, milk, sugar, or lemon. Now, I have read that white tea is high in antioxidants, matte can have the same effect as caffeine without the "buzz" and green tea is just good all the way around. This will help my insides, keep me young and strong, and give me good things to help my body maintain itself. Add pretty cups adorned with oriental designs and a mixture of dried fruits and berries, drinking tea becomes a sensory delight, for mind, body, and soul.

Does not shout at my out side, but whispers to my in side.

My pants, soft and baggy, ease at the waist, bursting with colorful designs. And, part of the proceeds help women in need, so much the better. It is a privilege to help out my fellow women as I become comfortably styled. The shopping bag too, has a higher cause than to just carry a few groceries to my home. It is made from recycled material and part of those proceeds go to assist organic farming. Feed my body, feed my soul.

It feels "right" to own these treasures. These are not hollow superficial purchases, they are made with the greater good in mind. I guess this is just another phase of evolution that I have realized. I no longer watch the fashion trends of today, I know what comforts me and my soul. I almost feel a sense of sadness for those who are a slave to fashion and the norm, but remind myself that we are all moving to our own vibrations. And, that's OK. Whether we express our soul by feeding the insides or adorning the outsides, that is what makes us such a fascinating bunch. How awesome is that.

So whether you drive to the mall with the music blaring, or sit quietly in your place, credit card in hand, here's to the Christmas time aniticipation of your souls treasures………….Ohhhh goodie!!!

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