Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sorry I've been away so are you?

I hope this finds you well in the pivotal year 2012. This is the year of cosmic and somatic change in the world. There is a vibration starting, a good one. If you sit quietly and close your eyes, breath deep, and sense, you will feel it. How wonderful.......We've taken alot from this Mother Earth, it is time to give something back. Give of yourself and your gifts, give to others, pay it forward, do good deeds, smile, sing, dance, pray, love, live in patience and for the good of it all..........

I have been creating and cocooning over the past months. Taking some time to heal, adjust, and find prospective again. Some of you may know that I have published my blog as a book, creating the pictures from my mind into color, binding the words and thoughts into something to be held close and pondered.

Now, my blog takes an enigmatic turn, as is in life, another corner. Ahhh....what will lie, just beyond the next bend in the road.   I find that I have many intriging thoughts that seem to move through me. I will use this place to gather them together and share with you. I am so happy to be moved to write here again, so glad you are back...........let's travel together................

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