The family tree..............let's ponder on this a bit.
A tree is rooted in the soil, one main trunk that grows upward, branching out in all directions. Each branch and leaf seeking its own path and power. As much as the tree grows upwards and outwards, it is forever permanently connected to the trunk and to the soil from which it originated, once only a tiny seed.
The tree can be a mighty oak, strong and singular. Or it can be a hybrid, one trunk on which another is grafted. The branches, leaves and fruit are a combination of the two.
As I ponder, a vision forms................I see in my mind's eye, a sunny hillside. On top of that hill is a massive tree. Thick of trunk, and the branches, covering the expanse of the universe. This impressive tree sways in the light, gently rocked by the breeze of life and love. It's movement is almost hypnotic.
I think of the family tree in this light. A large expansive connected mass reaching out in all directions. Think of your family tree for a moment. Who do you see here? Mom and Dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles, our children, and in my case, all the dogs I have loved before, and of present time. Maybe even a few cats, gerbils, hamsters, snakes, and other assorted flora and fauna. All these souls represent who we are and how we got here. None less important than the other, all play a part in the whole. Like the leaves of the tree who collect the sunlight and send it down the branches to the tree. And, the roots hidden deep below the earth, even though not seen, play the essential role of sipping up life's water and sending it into the heart and soul of the tree. No one part has a bigger roll than the other. All together, they make a solid impressive presence in the world. It says, “Look at me, I am the sum of all my parts, and I am beautiful!” Truly, yes!!
When I look at my own family tree, I see some unique characteristics. My family tree has been, at times, a meandering one. I have been married, lost loved ones in my life, married again. I have grown many branches on my tree. Step children, step grandchildren, other aunts and uncles, many relatives. In all of this, there is much life lived. Some remind me of happy times spent in the sunlight, on the upper most branches. Yet, some remind me of the dark, sad days spent in mourning and despair. Much like being buried under the earth, like roots, cold, dark, much too quiet. In these dark times, I was presented with a surprising realization of life, love, and yes, the definition of the family tree.
Family is what it is. Be it blood or other bond, family is the cohesive existence of many different souls all growing their own direction, each seeking their own path and power. Yet all supported and nurtured as a whole.
I thought about it..... my family tree is truly a hybrid. The trunk of my tree is indeed large of girth and solid as steel (thank you mom and dad for being my base and beginning). My branches consist of family past and present, and other families, past and present. Even though you sadly say good bye to loved ones, in whatever form that may be; when one branch becomes withered and falls away, the other branches still remain. Although not directly your blood, always, your bond. They are here, forever in your family tree. And they are yours, to love, to care for, and to support.
I wouldn't have it any other way...........................
We do have a very unique family tree, but it is a beautiful tree!