The start, of anything; is an awesome, powerful, exciting, and terrifying place to be.
The start signifies a point in our lives where the forward movement begins. It is the point where our desires, our dreams, our passions are on the precipice of becoming whole and real. We have planned and questioned and thought and prayed. And now, we are ready to take that next step, and we start.
The start is forward movement. It has to be. We can spend much of our valuable time in stillness. Standing still can be the best move you can make.......for a while. Stillness is good, it allows one to reflect. Looking back on experiences, good and bad, then taking the time to embody how this has affected one's soul, is good....for a while. Why am I here at this place in my life, how do I feel about it right now? Listen closely, what does my heart and my soul say about this place, about thinking to start. Deep down inside, what is my desire, what do I need to start? Who or what do I need to put to the side to start?
Stillness can be hypnotic and deceivingly comfortable. But it can also blow the light out in the lamp of your soul. The start is uncomfortable and startling, it is exciting and scary, but this is the kindling that feeds the fire with in our souls. The fire that moves our heart into action.
So we will feed that fire and we will move forward, at the start. The beginning of a dream, of a life, of the realization of a desire so deep that stillness cannot keep it contained.
It's not easy, it's harder than you may think. Forever now, you have had a dream, a desire that has burned within you. It makes you feel alive and real. You know in your core that this is the dream that is yours and yours alone. You plan and research and read the road maps to your destination, and you're ready. Well that is, until you are at the start. The start of that journey is where you come face to face with your self. No one can take this step for you, and you can't take this step for any one BUT you. Even as you start, you may be looking back, wondering if this is right. But, remember that flame. The flame that moves your heart into action.
It's not easy coming to the start. Many will listen to those who are also standing at the start but don't move forward. Many will and do turn and run away. They return to stillness. It's comfortable, but inside, that flame burns a little less brightly. Some of the fuel has been taken away. They may be the nay sayers, those who you see as better than you, those who are supposed to know better. But what they all don't know is you and your dreams, that is your power, your fuel. Don't let them take away your fire.
You are your best friend, you are your best champion. Nothing any one says to you or about you is as true as the voice that comes from your own loving soul. Being this way isn't selfish or self centered, it's self reliant, and self radiant. It's self aware, and self loving. You would do anything for those that you love. You would stand there at the start with them and cheer them to success at the top of your voice. Why not cheer yourself on with that same gusto?
You will be at the start infinite times in your life. The feeling will always be the same. It is an awesome, powerful, exciting, and terrifying place to be. The good news is this, every time you are at the start, from this day forward, you will be more self reliant and self radiant than you were the time before. You will gain perspective and wisdom, you will feed your fire with awesome fuel and fan your flames with success and self love. Many times you will start, many times, you will succeed. Oh yes, to be sure, there will be times when you return to stillness, to that comfort and safety. But now, stillness will be a harbor along your journey, a place to drop anchor for just a bit, and take stock in your heart and soul. It will be a place to plan and to dream again, to reconnect with your inner most love and desire. You know you will start again, it is as sure as a sun rise. You may start in a different direction, you may start and go back. Either way, the start is moving has to be.